Monday, January 18, 2016

Be a Champion Mom Today with Milo

As a Mom, I always try to encourage and support my children in everything that they do. Though, there were times that I tend to be strict and push them into something that I "only" like, I was glad that I have children who are very open and obedient to me.

Last November, in celebration of the National Reading Month, I was surprised when my daughter came from school with a Silver medal-award in English Reading Comprehension Proficiency. I have no idea that she was joining this kind school competition. She neither never told me about it. She said that she wants to surprise me!!! I then realized that that there will come a times when you need to let your child decide things that they want to do and allow them to do their best in every opportunity that will come on their way.

I always try to listen to them, discover and susupport their talentsFor my daughter who loves to paint, color and draw, I try to look for art materials that will develop her skills in drawing and coloring. And for my son who is a book lover, encourage him to read and read more.

Last December, I received a gift from Milo Philippines. My son was so happy with this cute green backpack. He said, he will be using this next school year. Thank you Milo for sending this Christmas gift.

Milo has been part of our daily lives. Like my Bianca and Euki, children today are too busy in school and they need energy for both body and mind. They can get the energy needed from the new Milo with Activ Go. It has a protomalt, a unique malt blend that has a good source of balance carbohydrates, protein and fat that help in providing children with energy.

Milo is made up of nutritious goodness of malt, ,milk and cocoa, making a champion choice. Milo is also made up of vitamins such as B2, B3, B6, B12, C and D and minerals like calcium, iron and phosphorus. 

Milo helps me to put my children in their best mood by giving them Milo drink for breakfast, such an awesome way to start their day!!

How about you Mom, how do you help your child achieve their dreams?

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