Blue Water Day Spa's Therapeutic Colonic Massage helps gently remove excess toxins from your body, starting with those that have accumulated in your digestive system. The treatment concentrates on the core (abdominal area), loosening the hardened blockages in your system through massage. The body then naturally expels these wastes through normal body function. You can enjoy a full-hour treatment, made more relaxing with the use of chamomile oil, in the calming ambience of the Blue Water Day Spa suites. I'm looking forward to try this new treatment. In as little as one session, you will find relief from common digestive problems such as constipation, bloating, gas and abdominal pains and cramps. The gentle boost on your digestive tract realigns organs and also helps your body cope better with the hard-to-digest food. Regular treatments offer long-term benefits that include improved sleep, more defined abdominal muscle tone and restored energy.

Christian Bautista, popular singer/actor and an avid fan of the Therapeutic Colonic treatment, shares, "As a performer, my schedules are hectic and always changing, so I have to be in the best shape possible to meet all the demands of my work. The long nights and late meals do take a toll on my body. With the Blue Water Day Spa Therapeutic Colonic Massage, I feel better and have more energy.It's a gentle detox that serves a dual purpose, because it helps you lose weight, too!"
Miss Universe Third Runner Up 2013 Ariella Arida best-loved treatment at the Blue Water Spa was the Collagen Facial Treatment . Ken Alfonso's choice at the Blue Water Day spa was the Revitafirm and Revitashape Treatments.
Actress Winwyn Marquez keeps herself physically fit with various exercise regimens. But when it comes to looking her best, she visits Blue Water Day Spa for her Photo Therapy Flash (IPL) Treatment, a highly advanced yet safe laser technology that removes unwanted hair permanently.
Blue Water Day Spa has branches in Ortigas-Greenhills (Tel No.7278420)
Makati (Tel No.8173126)
Capitol Hills (Tel No.4730455)
Eastwood City (Tel No.9151247)
Tomas Morato (Tel No. 4865455)
Cotabo City (Tel No.09228399751)
Naga City (Tel No. 09177391822)
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